Friday, October 3, 2008


If you liked Facing the Giants at even just a little sliver of liking, you will definitely LOVE Fireproof! It has such a good message AND the acting is even a little more advanced than Facing the Giants. I the theater...right next to Melissa...and I couldn't help it. Tears just started freely gliding down my face as if King Kong were in my eyeballs and they were trying to get away from him. They didn't even ask my permission, they just started flowing. Let's just put it this way: I saw the movie Thursday night and I am hoping to go back again next week and see it again. Kinda pathetic but that's how much I liked it. And I am seriously buying it the first day it hits the shelves. I can't wait to own it. It's really good. I could watch it a lot. Okay, I think I have given this movie enough kudos. Now go watch it for yourself! Wait...I'm not done. Isn't it great that we now have movies with Christian themes in them? And not only Christian themes--these movies are solely BASED on Christianity and the importance of knowing Christ!!! I LOVE it! Yay!

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