Friday, October 10, 2008

Billy: The Early Years

I just went to see the movie Billy: The Early Years. It is the story of Billy Graham and his beginnings of becoming one of the greatest evangelists on earth. I went thinking, "This will be interesting. I love biographical things!" But, on my drive home, I found myself crying. I asked God, "What do you want me to do? How can I make a difference?" This movie really puts the weight of winning people to Christ on your shoulders as a Christian. Today, I put my bid in for a Nintendo Wii on ebay. Is that bad? Not necessarily. But after watching that movie tonight, I realize...the importance we put on stupid things. I rushed home from work early JUST to check the status of the Wii. I'm more excited about that than I have been about winning a co-worker or a friend to Christ! How does that happen? I am willing to spend hundreds of dollars on video games but I can't spend 30 minutes showing someone the love of Christ? What? For real? And yet we are so stuck in the rut of Americanized Christianity that we don't even stop to think, "If I don't open my lazy mouth and speak words of truth to this person, they might end up in hell, apart from the greatest love ever known--the love of--the Person of Jesus Christ." How is that okay?
God, precious, precious Savior! Help us! Help me! May I love with Your heart, oh God! Unless I do, I will not see the people who need You. I know I fail, but may I not be so self-centered as to focus on my failures. Imagine how much could be accomplished for Christ if we didn't focus on our failures--but instead we focused on the victory we have in Christ. Imagine that!
I feel like a huge hypocrite writing all this because I struggle SO much. But I want this to be my heart. I want to hunger for God with a burning passion and desire and I want to spread that to other people who need it as desperately as I do. I don't want this to be my whim this week. I want a heart change--I desire a heart change--I HAVE to have a heart change!!!!! Should I post this? I don't want to...I feel like maybe it's too personal...but someone might need to read this just as much as I need to.

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