Monday, August 31, 2009

His Love

What is this Love that I have found?
I have been searching all around
And here I stand before You now
Knowing You love me but wondering how
You have pursued my heart and my soul
Tirelessly, patiently making me whole
I did not even know what to do
But You suddenly had me in love with You
Oh God of my heart and Bridegroom of my dreams
You filled up my heart and stitched up the seams
And though I know it will be broken again
I will come back to You no matter where I have been
For Your love is never-ending and is truer than true
And there is no one I would rather be in love with than You.
I love You,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Strong Suggestion

Watch the movie Faith Like Potatoes...just trust me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

HAPPY [Late] EASTER!!! :)

Happy Easter Everyone! :) Jesus is risen! He's alive and working in the hearts of His people! :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm back! Yay!

Every year in January my pastor requests us to fast movies, tv, and as much internet as we can for 40 days. I did so. Okay, so I watched Fireproof once. Well, I fasted facebook, myspace, my friends' blogs and my blog. I didn't fast yahoo and gmail so I could keep in contact with friends. Anyway, my point is...I'm BACK! So, be checking my blog more often if you want to. :) As for me at this point and time, a nap is necessary. God bless you all and have a great one!!! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


So, I killed my camera on New Year's weekend. I got sand all in it. I unscrewed it today and took it apart to blow out the sand with one of those appliance air things. Well, I had all but the last screw out and I was getting extremely frustrated because it was NOT budging. Well, it was the last straw, and if any of you know me at all, you know that I have a temper and tend to use small acts of violence against objects to vent my anger. It's not right and I know that's one of the things the Lord doesn't like about me. So, I am not condoning it. However, God's grace is sufficient to cover us even when we are being idiots and giving in to very human acts of rage. For, after throwing my camera down on my desk out of frustration, I came back a short time later and lo and behold, my camera started to work! I think when I threw it, the sand was knocked loose and fell out. Thank you God for allowing my camera to work even when I was acting like a 2 year old. I deserved to have my camera break into a million tiny pieces but God allowed it to be salvaged and I praise Him for that!! Anyway, this is the picture I took when testing it. My face is ridiculous...and it kinda matched the "I can't believe it's working" thought in my head. So, here it is...proof that my camera has resurrected by the grace of God and God alone. FrankenCamera...

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Wonder of Vulnerability

I was driving down 45th Street the other day thinking about the people I care about. Not just the people I naturally care about but the ones I choose to care about. Not just the people I care about in general but the amount of which I choose to care. And, I was marvelling at the close connection of love and vulnerability. For each person in your life that you care about there is a natural baseline of love. You care about the person, which brings about a certain amount of vulnerability. However, what is amazing is that we generally can choose the amount of love and vulnerability we give. For example, I am an aunt and I naturally love my niece--it's human nature. However, the amount of love I give to her and the level of vulnerability in my heart I allow is my choice. I can choose to be an uninvolved, love her at the natural baseline kind of aunt OR I can choose to be as involved in her life as possible--which opens my heart to more love and vulnerability. Vulnerability-the risk of hurt for the sake of love. That's my definition. But what astounds me even more is the love we have for our friends or others in our lives. Family stirs a natural kind of baseline love that we choose to expound on or not to expound on. But friends? We are to love all people. Which offers a baseline of love for humanity and God's creation. However, once again, one can choose to increase love exponentially or leave it as is. It is amazing to me when we choose to open our hearts to love and vulnerability with people outside of our families when there is really nothing to be gained but the love of the other person, which is often accompanied by hurt because of the level of vulnerability that comes, inevitably, with love. It's such an amazing concept! I can hardly put it into words! I mean, what a priviledge for someone to choose to trust you with their heart--whether it be family, friends, or other. If there is ever anything a person guards about himself, it is his heart. And yet, when we open our hearts to loving others and expounding our love for others, the guard is let down. Sometimes there is hurt and it is painful. And this may sound naive or utopian but, truly, love is worth it all. I guess that's what they mean by "love hurts"--in every form--Agape, Phileo, and Eros.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! God bless you all. And Praise God for everything good and perfect! He is such a good God and I love Him!!