Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gotta Love BSMP :)

I took my camera to work one day about three weeks ago and came away with some interesting but commonplace (for BSMP) pictures. So, here we go. There might be a few that will leave you thinking, "What?" But, hey, that's what we do best at the good 'ol Marketplace, right? ;)

A normal but somewhat rare view on a fine Oklahoma BSMP Saturday mornin':

Suzie gives me this look quite often... Chuck is meandering around as usual making sure everything is a-okay. I think he has found that something is out of place here: my work ethic (seeing as how I am taking pictures instead of working...)

So, I was making sandwiches as usual. The main reason I took my camera to work was to take pics for our pal Jamie so I couldn't resist the following. Note to self: never use horseradish sauce to write on bread for it doesn't work.

This other bread creation was an accident but I thought it was totally stinkin' cool!! Bread art...what a concept! Look!! It's a heart made from Russian dressing. Made with love for our customers. Only at BSMP.

Bathroom break. I had to be dumb and take a picture in the mirror before getting back to work. I know. I'm weird. But, it seemed awfully creative at the time.

Meet Monica. She's just as weird as the rest of us... :)

Maybe even weirder. But, hey, that's a good thing, right?
Aww...Whitney. I love Whitney. Hey, Jamie, she got engaged! You may already know that but it's news worth repeating.

Suzie decided to stop looking at me like I am scum of the earth and joined in on the coolest camera mission ever.

And then she decided we should make sad faces that express how much we miss our friend in Austria. So, we did so. Starting and ending a sentence with "so" cannot be grammatically correct.

This is Tori saying, "Hi, Jamie." She really said it too. Ain't that sweet?
And here's Paula doing the same. I'm gonna put both pics on here cuz their both just really cute.

Galen. He's so funny. Oh, and Jamie, to your left is the OTHER Jamie who, no doubt, you will be confused with incessantly when it comes to which of your names Paula is calling.

Hey, do you know Amy? She's really nice.

And last, here's a picture of the million calorie cookies. They aren't mint chocolate chip or pumpkin chocolate but they're just as greasy and tasty. And you KNOW it. Ye-ah. A bit of down-home goodness right here!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Thanks for taking pictures just for me! You are so awesome! I miss BSMP like no other. I love how no one seems to be working in any of the pictures! I can't wait to be back at work!